Contributing ============ Thank you for your interest in improving this acronym filter for Pandoc_. Pandoc-acro is open sourced under the `BSD 2-Clause License`_ and welcomes feedback via bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests. Please report all bugs or request a feature by submitting an issue on the Github_ project page. Reporting Issues ---------------- When submitting a bug report on Github_, please include as much information as possible to allow us to figure out what is happening. Please try to include the Python version, the Panflute_ version, an explanation of your input(s) and the expected output, and a minimal example demonstrating issue. Pull Requests ------------- - Follow :pep:`8` with `numpy docstrings`_ - Update the documentation as appropriate - Update the Changelog - Provide a test demonstrating the error is fixed or the new feature works as expected if appropriate - Pull requests should be against the ``trunk`` branch The development uses nox_ to aide with testing multiple Python versions and linting the code and documentation. It uses the conda_ back end to manage the virtual environment to make sure Pandoc_ is available. Therefore, you must have ``conda`` on your search path for ``nox`` to succeed. To run the full suite (that must all pass), use .. code:: bash nox -x To run an individual session, use the ``--session`` option to ``nox``. The available sessions are: - ``flake8`` to run flake8_ - ``mypy`` to run mypy_ - ``docs`` to run Sphinx_ on the documentation tree - ``test-3.X`` where ``X`` is a supported minor version of Python The test sessions also accept additional arguments that can be passed to pytest_. For example, to run :file:`` and launch the debugger on error use .. code:: bash nox -s test-3.8 -- --pdb tests/ Deploying the HTML Documentation -------------------------------- The HTML version of the documentation can be updated by running ``nox`` with the ``docs`` session. Then add and commit the changes. To prevent pushing the stable branch without rebuilding the documentation, copy the script :file:`` to :file:`.git/hooks/pre-push` and make it executable. .. _BSD 2-Clause License: .. _conda: .. _flake8: .. _Github: .. _mypy: .. _nox: .. _numpy docstrings: .. _Pandoc: .. _Panflute: .. _pytest: .. _sphinx: